Observatori de l'Ebre

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Observatori de l'Ebre

Regulation of co-supervised thesis - Regulations about International doctorate qualification - Regulations about writing doctoral theses for the Compendium of Publications - General Rules of PhD Organization at Ramon Llull University - Complaint procedure and suggestions

Regulation of co-supervised thesis

Regulations applicable to doctoral theses co-supervised by Observatori de l’Ebre or La Salle URL and another European university will be in accordance with the General Rules of PhD Organization at Ramon Llull University and can be consulted at Normes generals OrganitzacióDoctorat URL .

Regulations about International doctorate qualification

Regulations applicable to doctoral theses with International doctorate certification will be in accordance with the General Rules of PhD Organization at Ramon Llull University and can be consulted at  Normes generals Organització Doctorat URL.

Regulations about writing doctoral theses for the Compendium of Publications

Regulations applicable to doctoral theses written as a collection of published articles or Compendium of Publications will be in accordance with the General Rules of PhD Organization at Ramon Llull University, Normativa Organització Doctorat URL.

Furthermore, doctoral students enrolled in the doctoral program in Information technology and Management application, Architecture and Geophysics who want to submit the doctoral thesis as a collection of published articles must fulfill the following requirements:

  • at least 1 international congress  peer-review
  • at least 2 articles published in high impact factor journals

The Academic Committee should authorize a doctoral student to defend the thesis. It is mandatory to obtain this authorization report of the Academic Commission and give it to the Doctoral Committee in order to be approved.

General Rules of PhD Organization at Ramon Llull University

General rules of PhD organization at RL can be found at  http://www.url.es/comunitat-universitaria/legislacio-i-normatives .

General regulations of the doctoral studies can be found at  http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2011/02/10/pdfs/BOE-A-2011-2541.pdf .

Complaint procedure and suggestions

Any student of the doctoral program, who wants to make suggestions or comments, can do it by email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or directly through the form provided on the “Suggeriments” in the e‐campus.

Any PhD student, who wants to complain about an issue, must talk to his or her thesis director. It is imperative that troubling issues be addressed at an early stage before they lead to a deterioration of the thesis work. If the student considers that the complaint has been insufficiently addressed, he or she must talk with the tutor and at last with the program Coordinator, Dr. Xavier Vilasis Cardona with e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If they are not able to construct an acceptable solution to the conflict, recourse will be directly to the Academic Committee.

Situations which cannot be resolved through these procedures can proceed to the stage of formal appeal to  the director of the Observatori de l’Ebre. Finally, the student may also contact the independent figure of the Ombudsman for Student of the University Ramon Llull, whose functions are described in Article 20 bis of the Statute of the University Ramon Llull núm.291 published in the Official Gazette of December 3,2004. Statutes, with the Regulation of Student Ombudsman, are public and are available at http://www.url.edu/es/cont/academica/normativas.php.

At last, the PhD student can appeal to the university rector.