Observatori de l'Ebre

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Observatori de l'Ebre

Roquetes, Monday, February 04, 2013. The research group GAMA (“Grup d’Anàlisi de situacions Meteorològiques Adverses”) of the University of Barcelona, in collaboration with the Ebro Observatory, have launched the web portal LA RAMBLA (http://laramblablog.wordpress.com). This website’s main objective is to be an information and prevention site against floods, a space dedicated to reminisce and share images, data and experiences of historical floods. Especially, the site intends to be a participatory space, which gives a voice to the public, and a meeting point between the world of research and the society. This space has started a project that aims to go beyond the one-way transmission of knowledge, from an academic institution to the people, and whose intention is to create a space for dialogue and exchange of knowledge and a meeting to increase the “culture” on floods in Catalonia from a scientific and social viewpoint. The sections “Aprenem” or “Recordant” provide information prepared by researchers on these risks and their impact. Other sections such as “Experiències” or “Fotografies” are designed to share photos, evidences or experiences on these phenomena, and include the documents provided.

This initiative is coordinated by Dr. M. C. Llasat, director of “Grup d’Anàlisi de situacions Meteorològiques Adverses (GAMA)”, which is part of the Department of Astronomy and Meteorology, Faculty of Physics, University of Barcelona, and it has had the participation of researchers from the group and the collaboration of the Ebro Observatory. Also, it has the support of the “Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Economia i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya”.

Facts about this space can also be followed on the social networks throughout the profiles of the participating groups: The Facebook’s pages “GAMA - Riesgos Naturales - UB” and “Observatori de l’Ebre” and Twitter “@GAMA_UB” (hashtag #espailarambla) and “@obsebre”. For more information you might browse through http://laramblablog.wordpress.com.